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Ntfs Драйвер For Mac Os

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  • 3 Free NTFS Solution

UPD 21.08.2011: There is even better way to solve the same issue with native Mac OS X drivers, but it has its own pros and cons. Read at the end for details.

UPD 12.09.2011 (IMPORTANT): Native driver makes NTFS unusable. Read below for details.

Mac OS X Lion (10.7) was released recently, in the end of July 2011. And many users had started to complain that their NTFS disks stopped working. And the much worse problem is that 'old' solutions do not work well.

  1. There is only limited support for checking and repairing NTFS file systems at this time. The best way to repair a damaged NTFS volume is using chkdsk in Windows. If you install NTFS-3G for Mac OS X, you will find that it includes a utility called ntfsfix, which can repair some fundamental inconsistencies of NTFS.
  2. The NTFS-Free driver has also been reported to have stability issues with multiple NTFS drives. Plus, it does not have any user interface to interact with the driver. For better support for NTFS drivers on Mac, consider a paid alternative such as Tuxera NTFS or Paragon NTFS driver for Mac OS X. Uninstall NTFS-Free driver from Mac.

But after one or two weeks of researching of this issue, I've managed to make NTFS work in Mac OS X Lion (10.7). The key here is a proper combination of software versions.

Paragon Driver for macOS (10.6 to 10.9) This driver provides write access for Seagate external drives in Mac OS without having to reformat.

So I will shortly describe the usual choices for external data storages, and what problems arises with each of them. And later I will show how you can get the most universal way — NTFS — to work where it does not work by default, with links and pictures.

Data Storages

The only reason to worry about this problem is an ability to access external storage drives. Even if these are your own drives and you can select a filesystem to use, that choice is not easy.

There are few possible choices for large (~1TB) file storages, but each has very unpleasant limitations and issues:

* HFS+/HFSX (or 'Mac OS Extended'/'Mac OS Extended (case sensitive)') — okay with big volumes and big files, but works natively under Mac OS X and Linuxes only. Windows need third-party software, which is either free file browser/extractor or paid low-level drivers.

* FAT32 work in each and every OS now, but has limitation for file size up to 4GB (so, you cannot store DVD image, which is usually 4.5+ GB).

* FAT64 (exFAT) is a new solution, but it works natively only in Mac OS X and Windows 7. Older Windows systems (Vista, XP) require Service Packs and updates to support exFAT. Linuxes do not support exFAT yet at all. More on that, it has only one file table, so if this only place will be corrupted on write, I will get all the data lost.

* NTFS. Okay with big files an bug volumes. Works natively in all Windows systems. Works fluently in all Linux systems. Has native read-only support in Mac OS X. But has not write support under Mac OS X.

As you can see, in terms of cross-compativility, NTFS is the best choice: it works almost everywhere, and with no limitations. The only issue is write mode in Mac OS X.

Taking into account that you probably have a lot of friends with NTFS volumes, who can visit you and bring you something interesting there, you actually have no choice except as try to make NTFS working.

So, let's do it.

Paid NTFS Solutions

But first, in case you want to make your own research, or you are looking for a solution that just works out of the box, and you are ready to pay for it, you can give a try to Paragon NTFS for Max OS X 9.0 for $19.99 (5-days trial). That is much cheaper than Tuxera NTFS for Mac for $36.02 (with 15-days trial).

The former one definitely works – I've tried it in trial. Just install and get everything ready: both read and write modes, auto-mount, and also NTFS formatting in Disk Utility, disk checking, etc.

How to scan a document
If you need to scan documents onto your Mac computer, you're in luck: If you have a scanner, or a printer with a scanner, you may not need to install any software to get it up and running. Connect your scanner to your Mac, plug it in, and turn it on. Choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners. Open Printers & Scanners preferences for me. Select your scanner in the list at the left, then click Open Scanner on the right.

I haven't tested the latter one, so you can leave a comment here about your experience with Tuxera paid solution.

Free NTFS Solution

This free solution requires some efforts. Not so much, of course. Well, if you are going to make your own research, it can be lots of efforts, since the situation with NTFS-3G is not very clear now.

But if you are just about a ready, copy-n-install solution, it will be easy, and requires only these two or three steps:

* MacFUSE 64-bit.

* NTFS-3G stable.

* '15 seconds' error work-around (optional).

MacFUSE 64-bit

First, you need MacFUSE with 64 bit support. That is the main problem with Mac OS X Lion — it uses 64-bit kernel, and all previous version of Mac OS X used 32-bit one. So, old MacFUSE binaries won't work anymore.

You can get Tuxera MacFUSE 2.2 image for free (could not find a page with it, just a download links) or try to compile OSXFUSE from sources. I've used the former one.

You can see MacFUSE preferences in 'System Preferences'. Well, actually these are not preferences, but only 'update' and 'uninstall' actions, and current version info:

NTFS-3G stable

Ntfs driver for mac os
If you need to scan documents onto your Mac computer, you're in luck: If you have a scanner, or a printer with a scanner, you may not need to install any software to get it up and running. Connect your scanner to your Mac, plug it in, and turn it on. Choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners. Open Printers & Scanners preferences for me. Select your scanner in the list at the left, then click Open Scanner on the right.

I haven't tested the latter one, so you can leave a comment here about your experience with Tuxera paid solution.

Free NTFS Solution

This free solution requires some efforts. Not so much, of course. Well, if you are going to make your own research, it can be lots of efforts, since the situation with NTFS-3G is not very clear now.

But if you are just about a ready, copy-n-install solution, it will be easy, and requires only these two or three steps:

* MacFUSE 64-bit.

* NTFS-3G stable.

* '15 seconds' error work-around (optional).

MacFUSE 64-bit

First, you need MacFUSE with 64 bit support. That is the main problem with Mac OS X Lion — it uses 64-bit kernel, and all previous version of Mac OS X used 32-bit one. So, old MacFUSE binaries won't work anymore.

You can get Tuxera MacFUSE 2.2 image for free (could not find a page with it, just a download links) or try to compile OSXFUSE from sources. I've used the former one.

You can see MacFUSE preferences in 'System Preferences'. Well, actually these are not preferences, but only 'update' and 'uninstall' actions, and current version info:

NTFS-3G stable

Second, you will need working copy of NTFS-3G. Long story short, NTFS-3G is either already dead or is going to die. There is its ancestor: Tuxera NTFS for Mac (paid).

But we are going to use old version of NTFS-3G — the one from 2010. I've got one from here. But you can try googling for it, or browse here for this exact version (not 2011 — I'm not sure they work).

I also tried to install later version from MacPorts, but it does not work too: mounts something that stills unreadable. That is in addition to an error in installation process ('mv' does not see the libntfs-3g file or so).

Now, when you have installed two binary packages, you can restart Mac OS X and try to attach the drive. It should work.

NTFS-3G preferences pane looks populated and interesting:

'15 seconds' error work-around

But it will show you the error message saying that there were not signal in 15 seconds:

This is not a big problem, because everything works fine. Only annoying message box is a problem.

So the third, optional step is to address this issue. You can follow this link: (see first and the only comment under the code). You just download this attached C file, run 'gcc' command line from the comment, and replaces the 'fuse_wait' binary as said there. Yes, you will need 'gcc' here.

And voila! Now you have working NTFS filesystem for free with no '15 seconds' error message. Profit!


Nevertheless, Mac OS X is a Unix-based system. And Unix-based system is a big problem when they work as desktop OS (earlier I thought that on Linux-based system because of community-driven and crowd-based development concept). This solution has some problems too. Though they are not about the solution itself, but about the components used.

The most important problem now is the speed: with this NTFS-3G on MacBook Air (4GB, i7 CPU) write speed for USB 2.0 drive is about 3.3 MB/s. Just to compare, the same drive in the same port, but with exFAT/FAT64 partition can write with ~38 MB/s (or fast enough to make exact estimation; will try larger files later).

Also, immediately following the mount of a drive, there is a line in system log with an error message saying:

<h3><span>UPD: Using native drivers from previous Mac OS X versions to speed up write operations</span></h3><p><span><strong>This method WILL damage your filesystem. Read below for details.</strong></span></p><p>There is even better way to solve the same issue with read-write access to NTFS volumes, which involves native drivers from previous Mac OS X versions. It is described in Russian here. Credits for this method go to <em>Casing</em> from blog.</p><p>In a nutshell, you should use classic solution with '/sbin/mount_ntfs' wrapper script (that does not work in Lion on its own), and you should replace the kernel extension module for NTFS with the one from Mac OS X 10.6.8 (only one binary file: /System/Library/Extensions/ntfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/ntfs).</p><p>To do so, download this archive (mirror:, and follow the instructions in 'Terminal-CMD' text file. Do not forget to 'disable' NTFS-3G (globally or for your specific drive) in System Preferences before using this method.</p><p>PROS:</p><ul><li>High speed of write operations – about 30 MB/s (compare to 3 MB/s with NTFS-3G).</li><li>Deleted files go to the Trash folder rather than deleted instantly as with NTFS-3G.</li></ul><p>CONS:</p><ul><li>Well, this is a hack after all. One day it will stop working.</li><li>Mac OS X updates can overwrite your replaced NTFS driver, and you have to re-install it again.</li><li>Disk Utility cannot create new NTFS volumes with the native NTFS driver.</li><li>If a volume was ungracefuly unmounted in Windows, it will be mounted read-only in Mac OS X, saying this message in system log:</li></ul><div><textarea wrap=' soft'='' readonly='>8/21/11 12:48:43.000 AM kernel: NTFS-fs error (device /dev/disk1s1, pid 4859): ntfs_system_inodes_get(): $LogFile is not clean. Mounting read-only. Mount in Windows.
8/21/1112:48:43.000AM kernel:NTFS-fs error(device/dev/disk1s1,pid4859):ntfs_system_inodes_get():$LogFile isnotclean.Mounting read-only.Mount inWindows.

All the 'cons' can be solved by installing NTFS-3G and keeping it disabled all the time, except when you need to format new volume, or to mount a problematic volume. Actually, it is better to enable NTFS-3G, mount it with NTFS-3G, then unmount, disable NTFS-3G, and mount it with native drivers; or use 'ntfsfix' if you are not afraid of command line after all these hacks ;-)

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IMPORTANT UPD 12.09.2011: Please read comments below: people say that this driver makes NTFS filesystem corrupted and unusable.

I had the same experience: my NTFS volume become only partially readable in Mac OS X, and completely unusable in Windows. More on that, when I tried to attach the drive, Windows kernel started to use 100% CPU, and did not stop to do so even when the drive were detached. Drive letter never appeared.

Luckily for me, I had two backups of the whole volume (I do so when experimenting with new drives, since I once lost my whole photo archive due to burned out new drive). To solve the whole problem of NTFS@Mac, I've finally bought Paragon NTFS for Mac.

By Nathan E. Malpass, Last updated: September 14, 2019

Mac operating systems can read NTFS drives formatted on Windows. However, they don't have the ability to write to them directly. In this article, we'll give you both free and paid methods of getting total read/write access to that of NTFS drives.

This guide can be helpful when you wish to write to a Boot Camp partition within your Mac as partitions for the Windows system must utilize NTFS. If you need something for external drives, it is recommended that you use exFAT instead of NFTS. macOS can directly read and write to drives using exFAT like Windows do.

Three Options to Consider When Writing to NTFS Drives on Your Mac

There are multiple options you should consider when writing to NTFS drives using your Mac device. We will dig into these options later on. Take note that with some options, we'll give you more than one method of doing it.

Third-Party Drivers (Paid)

Third-party NTFS drivers can be used on your Mac device. Usually, you need to install these drivers and they work perfectly. These paid solutions can be installed easily. Plus, they have better performance relative to free options.

Third-Party NTFS Drivers (Free)

To allow Mac support for writing to NTFS drives, you can opt for free, open-source drivers. They can be difficult to install compared to the paid versions. This is because of Mac's System Integrity Protection feature. Free drivers are slower compared to paid versions. Plus mounting NTFS partitions automatically in read-write mode can be a threat to your security.

Experimental Apple Support For NTFS-Write

The operating system of Mac offers you experimental support for writing to that of NTFS drives. By default, this support is deactivated. You have to dig into the Terminal to activate it.

Using this method is not guaranteed. Plus, you can even mess around with your NTFS file system and cause issues. Some people who've tried it resulted in corrupt data. Thus, it is not recommended to use this method. There's a reason for it being deactivated by default.

It is recommended that you purchase a third-party driver to write to NTFS drives on Mac as other solutions might be very tedious or dangerous.

Best Paid Third-Party NTFS for Mac: FoneDog's PowerMyMac

FoneDog's PowerMyMac is a multifunction tool that allows you to perform a variety of activities on your Mac. Aside from being able to clean your Mac of junk, it can also help youwrite files to NTFS drivesusing your beloved Apple computer.

Below are the steps on how to use this tool to write to NTFS drives on Mac:

Step 01: Download, install and launch PowerMyMac on your computer and select Toolkit.

Step 02: Select NTFS.

Step 03: Press the Write button in order to copy, delete, edit, or perform other instructions on your files from Windows-formatted SDD, HDD, or flash drive.

It is important to remember that when a pop-up window labeled 'Fail' is displayed on your screen, it is because you still have to install Osxfuse and NTFS – 3g on your Mac device. This is a prerequisite to using the NTFS tool.

Step 04: Now, you will be able to see USB information located on the left side of the screen. The right column lists the USB's files and folders. You have to drag the file(s) you wish from the USB to the blank location on the interface.

Step 05: Press the button labeled Write. Now, the files you have dragged into the blank space will be transferred to your USB. Once a message pops up saying the process is complete, then writing to NTFS drives is now done.

Step 06: Unmount the USB drive from your Mac computer.

Now, that's an easy way of writing to NTFS drives using your Mac. PowerMyMac by FoneDog is our top option as it's the easiest to use. Let's get into another paid driver before delving into the free methods for writing to NTFS drives.

Runner-Up Paid Third-Party NTFS Driver: Paragon NTFS for Mac

This tool can be purchased for USD 19.95 and provides you with a free trial for 10 days. It will easily and cleanly install on most recent versions of the Mac OS. For instance, it can be installed on Mac OS X El Capitan version 10.11 and macOS Sierra version 10.12.

It really works and does its job. Thus, it's our second choice if you're willing to shell out a small amount of cash to get its feature. With Paragon, you don't need to fuss about terminal commands just to mount partitions manually, automatically do an insecure mount partition, or handle possible corruption as you might experience with free drivers shown below.

If you really need to write to NTFS drives on a Mac, it is best to pay for the software we have mentioned in this article. We are stressing out that it will definitely be worth it. Also, if you bought a Seagate drive, you can actually have a free download of Paragon NTFS for Mac. Thus, you don't have to buy anything extra as Seagate offers it for free.

Another option would be Tuxera NTFS for Mac. This tool costs USD 31.00. Plus, they can give you a free trial for 14 days. However, PowerMyMac and Paragon do the same things for more features or cheaper costs.

How to Write to NTFS Drives for Mac For Free: Using FUSE for macOS

This is a free method that requires a bit of effort. Plus, it is less secure. To make your Mac device mount NTFS partitions automatically within a read-write mode, you have to deactivate System Integrity Protection temporarily. Plus, you also need to replace an Apple tool built into the system with a binary. This binary is highly vulnerable to malicious attacks. Thus, doing this is a risk to your security.

But, you can also use FUSE in order to 'manually' mount NTF partitions within a read-write mode. This is the case if you're willing to use the Terminal. This is more secure compared to the one above. However, it requires more work.

The first thing to do is to go to FUSE for macOS website and download it. After then, install the tool on your Mac. During the installation process, select the default options. Then, you'll also need the command line developer tools of Apple. You can install this by going to Finder and then visiting Applications. After which, select Utilities and launch the Terminal window. In the said window, type the following command:

After this, click Install to begin the installation process.

In addition to the first two installations, you'll also need to download homebrew if it isn't in your Mac yet. This is a package manager designed for Mac OS X. Use the Terminal window again to install this package manager. Just type in the following command and then press Enter to start installing it:

After this, press Enter. If it asks for authentication, then type in your password. The script will download and then install Homebrew automatically on your Mac device. Once Homebrew and developer tools are installed using the Terminal window and run the following again in order to install Ntfs-3g:

Western Digital Ntfs Driver For Macos

Now, you can mount NTFS partitions within reading or write mode manually. Run the command below using a Terminal window. In this way, you will create a mount point located at /Volumes/NTFS. This will be done once only.

Once you connect your NTFS drive to the Mac computer, run the command below using Terminal in order to list the disk partitions:

Now, you will be able to determine the device name of your NTFS partition. You simply have to look for the said partition that has the Windows NTFS file system. It is probable that your Mac device has already mounted the NTFS partition automatically. Thus, you have to unmount it before doing anything else.

Run the command below. Replace the /dev/disk3s1 with the actual name of your NTFS partition device.

After unmounting it, you should mount the drive again. To do this, run the command below. Similar to the one above, you should replace /dev/disk3s1 with the NTFS partition device name.

By now, you'll notice that the file system will be mounted at the location /Volumes/NTFS. It will also be displayed on your desktop as a regular mounted drive. If you wish to unplug the drive, you can eject it through the usual method of doing so.

If you think the above method works for you, then you don't have to continue reading. However, if you want to use another free method, then read on.

If you want your Mac device to mount NTFS drives automatically within reading or write mode, you have to deactivate System Integrity Protection.

A Word Of Caution

You might not want to perform this method. The official instructions of the software state that this is a risk to your device' security. When you do this, you will replace your Mac's NTFS mount tools with that of the NTFS-3g tools. This will run like that of the root user. Because of the actual way Homebrew installs software on your device, the malware within your Mac can overwrite the said tools. It's not worth it. However, we'll still explain how to implement this method if you are willing to take risks.

First, you have to reboot your Mac device. Once you are doing so, press and hold the keys Command + R. It will display the recovery mode environment. Go to the utility menu within recovery mode and open the Terminal. Run the command below:

After this, reboot the Mac device again normally. From the desktop, launch Terminal again. Run the commands below in order for NTFS-3g to function:

Ntfs Driver For Mac Os From Seagate

Finally, reactivate System Integrity Protection. To do this, you simply reboot the Mac, press, and hold the keys Command + R. In this way, your recovery mode will be launched. Open the Terminal within recovery mode and run the command below:

Then, reboot your Mac computer once again. By now, the support for writing to your NTFS drive should be functioning.

Ntfs Driver For Macos Mojave

In order to undo all changes you have made and also uninstall everything, you have to deactivate System Integrity Protection first. After doing this, run the commands below:

Then, you can simply uninstall FUSE by going to its panel within System Preferences. After this, you should reactivate System Integrity Protection. By now, you've realized why we recommend using PowerMyMac's NTFS tool instead.

Experimental Support for NTFS-Writing by Apple(Free)

This method is the least tested. That's why we seriously don't recommend you to do it. We've warned you. So, do not put the blame on us or even on Apple especially if you run into issues in the future. This method is unstable and it might never be. The method is just included here for educational purposes.

First, you have to make sure that the drive has a label that uses a single word only. This is for convenience. If it has two words or more, then change it. This will ensure that the process becomes easier.

Visit Finder and then go to Applications. Then, go to Utilities and open Terminal. Type the command below using the Terminal. In this way, the /etc/fstab file will be opened. The said file will be used to edit within a nano text editor.

The line below should be added to nano. Replace the word 'DEVICENAME' with your NTFS drive's label:

Once you're finished, press the keys Control + O in order to save the said file. After this, press Control + X to exit nano. If you wish to write to more than one NTFS drive, simply add another line for each one.

Ntfs-3g Driver For Mac Os X

Now, you should connect the NTFS drive to your computer. If it is already connected, just unplug it and plug it back again. You should be able to see it within the directory '/Volumes.' To do this, use a Finder window and press Go. After this, click Go To Folder. Type out '/Volume' within the box to gain access to it. Typically, it will not be automatically displayed within Desktop like that of normal drives.

Ntfs Driver For Mac Os

Later, you can simply undo the change you've made. Simply repeat the process above to launch the /etc/fstab file within nano. The line, you've placed in the file? Just delete it and save the new changes.

In Conclusion

This guide is here to help you learn how to write to NTFS drives on Mac. Both free and paid methods were outlined here. It is recommended that you opt for the paid methods (e.g., PowerMyMac) in order to get this feature. In this way, you don't have to risk the performance of your Mac and even potentially face file corruption.

>Tricks >How To Write To NTFS Drives For Mac: Free And Paid Methods
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